EndNote Library


Name: EndNote Library


Description: This is an outline record only, and requires further details, research or authentication to provide information that will enable users to further understand the format and to assess digital preservation risks associated with it if appropriate. If you are able to help by supplying any additional information concerning this entry, please return to the main PRONOM page and select ‘Add an Entry’.

Deprecated: false


PUID: fmt/325

sameAs : PRONOM: http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/PRONOM/fmt/325

Extension: enl

Magic: true

Container Magic: false

Binary Magic: true

Signature Priority Over:

See Also (e.g. Wikidata, Library of Congress):

Software that can read the format:


Class: http://the-fr.org/def/format-registry/FileFormat

Type: http://the-fr.org/def/format-registry/StructuredText

SPARQL: http://the-fr.org/public/sparql/endpoint.php?query=describe+%3Chttp://the-fr.org/id/file-format/778%3E&output=&jsonp=&key=&show_inline=1