Name: Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII)
Version: 2004/2005/2006
Description: ASCII DXF format is the ASCII encoded variant of the Drawing Interchange File Format, an exchange format for vector graphics developed by AutoDesk. They are probably the widely-used formats for exchanging vector data, and have become a de-facto industry standard. The format is owned by AutoDesk and typically changes with each release of their AutoCAD family of products. DXF files contain a tagged representation of the vector data. The structure comprises a Header section, followed by sections containing data on Classes, Tables, Blocks, Entities and, optionally, thumbnail images. Each section contains a series of data elements. each preceded by a group code tag, which indicates the type of data element. ASCII DXF version 2004-2005 is the version of the format associated with Releases 2004 and 2005 of the AutoCAD family of software products.
Deprecated: false
MIMEType: image/vnd.dxf
PUID: fmt/79
sameAs : PRONOM:
Extension: dxf
Magic: true
Container Magic: false
Binary Magic: true
Signature Priority Over:
See Also (e.g. Wikidata, Library of Congress):
Software that can read the format:
Alias: ASCII DXF (2004-2005)