Name: Graphics Interchange Format
Version: 89a
Description: The Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) is a raster image format developed by Compuserve, primarily for use on the internet. A GIF file begins with a Header section and a Logical Screen Descriptor section. This is followed by one or more Image sections, and the file is terminated by a Trailer. GIF supports bit depths between 1 and 8 bits (i.e. up to 256 colours) and supports features such as interlacing and transparency. Images are always stored using lossless LZW compression. GIF 89a introduced a number of new features, including a series of optional Control Extensions, which can be used to control the rendering of images within a file.
Deprecated: false
MIMEType: image/gif
PUID: fmt/4
sameAs : PRONOM:
Extension: gif
Magic: true
Container Magic: false
Binary Magic: true
Signature Priority Over:
See Also (e.g. Wikidata, Library of Congress):
Software that can read the format:
Alias: GIF (1989a)