Name: Virtools File Format
Description: This is a group of formats created by the Virtools software application. Originally released in 1993, Virtools offered a development environment to create interactive 3D applications.
Virtools includes four format types, Composition files, Object files, Player files and Scripts files.
Virtools Composition files have an extension of .cmo, these contain an arrangement of one or more elements or associated behaviours which are assembled within Virtools. Virtools Object files have an extension of .nmo and contain one or more elements or scripts. Virtools Player files have an extension of .vmo and contain a composition that has been exported from Virtools and are read only files. Virtools Script files have an extension of .nms and contain a script or a behaviour graph.
Currently PRONOM is unable to distinguish between these four different formats, if you are able to provide any information around this format please contact
Deprecated: false
PUID: fmt/1208
sameAs : PRONOM:
Extension: cmo
Magic: true
Container Magic: false
Binary Magic: true
Signature Priority Over:
See Also (e.g. Wikidata, Library of Congress):
Software that can read the format:
Type: []()